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i cant get her to eat or gain weight even when i made everything you can 

I dont see the dressing and undressing.. also I got the biggest bellies early game and later in the game they wont grow as big is I once have once seen them.. do I have to reinstall to get rid of these bugs? or what is the story here? got any advice Yuliya3k?


hey a slight quility of life tip: while making dishes the ingredients selection is getting very tedious.. it would be nice if it had an autofill option or when I click the dish and I have the required ingredients that it would be made just by clicking the dish itself. this wg/stuffing game has more micromanagement than actual stuffing going on like this.  would be nice if this mechanic got improved. thanks :)


Nice game but very poor content. The relationship between the main character and other characters is minimal. More interaction needs to be added, especially with the roommate. The story must be more interesting.

Make at least a demo version in the browser. I wouldn't pay for a game I didn't even play, and I don't know if I would like this game or not, and I think a lot of people wouldn't pay for a game they didn't even play either

(2 edits) (+1)

hey again i downloadaded this via itch app and i sucessfuly paly it however i odnt like one thing so in update change this mechnaism when ipress order  so what i should have to cook and sometimes i already have so i push then ither i could have that order either it says i dont ahve enough ingrediets to do order then it pops me up to main menu and its annoying cause not frequnetly i try to save.



any free games?


what can you even do? there is seems to be no content exept for the really grindy and repetetive cooking and the patrons going through a few weight stages
mika doesnt do anything at all

a guide to the probably hidden content would be nice, because I aint wasting time on grinding if I dont even know in wich way to go or even if there is something new

and whats with the beach?


Well, Mika is just acting separate, your interactions include seeing her through the day, seeing her dressing in the morning and udressing in the evening. Also there is a chance to have sex with her in the evening and at the beach you can feed her icecream. Like this


well then the beach and Icecream dont work, I tried it at varios times of the day and nothing ever happens

also the belly sizes are highly fluctuating, sometimes they just go flat again and mika seems to be completely stationary, she never gains anything except the stomach and bowel capacity, she always has the same sprite and 53kg weight

I dont want to fuss so much, but for a game you have to pay for I think it would be nice to have atleast a bit of content and an optional guide

how do you get to the beach?


wow thats kinda new thing i think we should go further on those types of games

honestly you made great idea of face similatiry to black heard girl looks like ann hateway pls do more models like celebritis

how do i increase her intestine fullness?

You should cook all the dishes you can and if she eats, food then goes to intestines and when they are 70% and higher full before you sleep, in the morning her maximum capacity will grow. It works both for stomach and intestines

what is her max capacity for both?


Im a little confused on how I get Mika to actually eat cause she only sometimes eats at breakfast


I think you just need to have every kind of food stocked and she just eats whenever she wants

I can't save it gives error

I saw a problem where every girl you deliver too is named heather

it's in the screenshots as well maybe it's intentional not sure why tho


Thank you! I'll fix it. They all have different names in code, I just missed the correct letter in dialogue


It might just be me but I've been struggling to get mika past 800 fullness is it like previous games where you push her past 800 and it permanently increases?

I don't think that that's possible. I'm also stuck at 800 capacity, no matter what I do. I'm in day 7 now, do I have to be more patient?


I'm up to day 30 or 40 and she's close to max weight gain but i never got her past 800

Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago